Links I Love, Vol.1 | Heart & Soul Edition

Hello, lovely friends!
To give cheerfully to those we are called to love and lead, let us first fill our heart-and-soul pitchers so that we can serve abundantly from the overflow.
From making daily Bible reading a habit to flashback faves from the archives, I hope these pieces and podcasts from around the web inspire and encourage you as they have me.
On making daily Bible reading a habit
Because Word before world.
Scripture Meditation Plan | Beliefs of the Heart. “What’s so different about this plan? My various failures brought clarity. I realized I wanted a plan that (a) allowed me to go at my own pace; (b) covered all of Scripture; (c) intermingled the Old Testament genres of story, poetry, and prophets; and (d) was designed to engage with God through biblical meditation.”
Developing a Daily Bible Reading Habit | Thankful Homemaker. “There is no perfect Bible reading plan out there. You just need to pick one and use the plan you choose.”
And, related…
Developing a system for memorizing Scripture
Scripture memory system | Simply Charlotte Mason. A simple system to help your family (or just you!) develop the habit of memorizing and remembering Scripture in just a few minutes per day.
To inspire and encourage
From Unwanted to Chosen | Decision Magazine. Who knew? Though I’d been following the hometown hero story of Bremerton football Coach Joe Kennedy (my son played hockey regularly in Bremerton), I had no idea of the dramatic turns and twists of Kennedy’s personal life before and during his case before the Supreme Court. I was particularly touched by the impact the movie Facing the Giants had on his story. Back in the day, I was moved by that movie myself because of its parallels to my own infertility story and God’s eventual spectacular answer.
Food for thought
How to Savor Morning Rituals to Have a Better Day | The Inspired Room. “Establishing your own morning rituals will help you have a better day. When you make your morning activities a more savored experience, you will find you not only look forward to them, but they will set the trajectory of your day (both in your home and in your own sense of well-being).”
40 Random Pieces of Advice for the Christian Life | Tim Challies. A long list of brief, random (and unsolicited) pieces of advice for living the Christian life.” Among my faves:
- “You get no free pass from the sin of slander when it pertains to an enemy, a heretic, or a politician. Each of these people is made in the image of God and each of them deserves to be spoken of in a way that befits their humanity.” (oops )
- “When the church service ends, make it your goal to meet someone you don’t know or connect with someone you don’t know well before you spend time with friends.” (note to self!)
- “It is good to read widely but also good to read deeply.” (amen)
Spiritual Seasons Quiz | Beloved Women. “Just as the weather experiences different seasons so do the seasons of our spiritual lives. What works in one season will not work in another. Understanding what spiritual season you are in is essential to the growth of your faith and relationship with God. Take our quiz to learn what spiritual season you’re in and receive insights on how to navigate your season with wisdom, faith, and courage.”
From the archives: Flashback Faves
- All Shall Be Well: Awakening to God’s Presence in His Messy, Abundant World | by Catherine McNiel (2019). From the back cover: “In this beautiful and broken world, God is here. The heavens declare the glory of God . . . but are we listening? Yes, God created this world, but sometimes we forget that he hasn’t left―that his redemptive, creative work happens still today, right here under our feet. So when we seek for God and study his truth, how much are we missing if we don’t awaken to all he has placed in the soil and sky? Seamlessly weaving biblical truths into everyday life, Catherine McNiel will help you discover an unbelievable reality: God meets and transforms you in the mess and abundance of every mundane moment.”
- The Louder Song: Listening for Hope in the Midst of Lament by Aubrey Samson (2019). “Our world is broken. We are broken. But here is a beautiful thing: our loving God does not expect us to deny or ignore what’s broken. Quite the opposite, He invites us to bring our sorrows to Him. To lament our losses to His face. ‘Seek my face,’ He says. Especially when our world is falling apart. Through her personal stories and careful application of Scripture, Aubrey Sampson shows how giving our pain a voice is not only a godly action, but a freeing, healing one.”
That’s what I’ve got this time! What have you seen around the web that I need to know? Please share!
❤️ Katherine