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What I’m Into | Spring ’18 edition

What I'm Into | Spring '18 editionWelcome, Spring! Since it took its sweet time in getting here, I am very into all things springtime now. Soaking up the warmer, longer, brighter, more vibrant days…and why not commemorate spring’s arrival by taking a watercolor class? Stretching my creative muscles here, people. I’m not a natural, but my gentle and most capable teacher allowed me to do a fair job of faking it. Exhibit A.


???? The month of May. For me, it’s always May for the win as I get both Mother’s Day and my birthday. I’m very into being a mom to these two big kids, each of whom is still a miracle to me.

And how about a milestone birthday? Seen here with my birthday “twin” and our husbands. Carol and I discovered each other about 25 years ago, our friendship forever cemented by the further discovery that we share the exact same birthday (I’m a few hours older). We do our best to celebrate it together whenever we can.


What I'm Into | Spring '18 edition???? If you’ve been keeping up with my Team World Vision posts on Instagram, you’ll know that training for my first half marathon has been progressing apace. A big help has been listening to these podcasts as I run. They are bookishly delightful as well as diverting.

My decision to run a half marathon is both in celebration of said milestone birthday and, more importantly, an opportunity to raise money to bring clean water to people in Congo. I’ve been hard at it these last months, running in sunshine and rain, in chill and even a little bit of heat. I recently ran 10 miles, my longest training run and the farthest I’ve ever run in my life. I’m tired, and my body is reminding me of my age (that milestone birthday again!), but I’m pressing on because the end result will be worth it. I’m still a little short of my fundraising goal, however, so if you’d care to join me in meeting the challenge of bringing clean water to 50 people—or more—please visit my donation page at here. Any amount is appreciated! Know that you are changing a child’s life in Congo for good. Thank you!

What I'm Into | Spring '18 edition

???? $1 “just because” cards from TJ’s. When I shop at Trader Joe’s, I have a hard time resisting their rack of often-whimsical, always-pretty greeting cards–and now I don’t try to. Instead, I pick up a few that catch my eye and then make it a point of giving them away — with the addition of a hand-written note, of course. I’ve added this practice to my weekly bill-paying routine, letting the Spirit guide me as to which of my loved ones might appreciate a pick-me-up.

???? This article on rest, which I wrote for Hope for Women magazine.

What I'm Into | Spring '18 edition???? San Francisco. A return to my roots with my brother (younger by two years, almost to the day — we share a birth month). David and I flew down to the Bay Area last month to visit an ailing uncle. It’s likely to be the last time we see him, and while that is sad, we found much joy in the visit. He is still quite capable of the wry comment followed by the sly grin and eye twinkle. While we were there, we revisited a few old haunts, including the Marin Country Club, where David and I once worked, and where I met my future husband waiting tables, lo these many years ago.

???? I’ve also been into these books not on the blog. Whittling down some of my TBR pile, much to my joy. I liked each of the first two (novels) for their beautiful prose written with such skill it appears effortless (it’s not). And the latest (non-fiction) by one of my always-faves, whose words always transport me to a better place and leave me enriched.

  • The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister
  • The Beginner’s Goodbye by Anne Tyler
  • Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist

What I'm Into | Spring '18 edition???? Shadow Sister swag. This just in! Isn’t it pretty? And it can be yours if you’d care to join my Shadow Sister Street Team — details for which will be announced on the blog next week. Stay tuned!

So that’s it for me. What are you into these days?

One response to “What I’m Into | Spring ’18 edition”

  1. Maggie says:

    I so much enjoy your What I’m Into posts, and I always learn something or write down recommendations. Appreciate you Katherine!

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