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What I’m Into ~ October edition

What I'm Into ~ October editionOn one of the last, lovely summer-like days of the season, my family and I found ourselves on Vashon Island. We went there to get into What I'm Into ~ October editionthe Vashon Sheepdog Classic–our new interest in this local, annual event  inspired by Scott’s and my recent trip to the Emerald Isle, where we were delighted to watch Irish sheepdogs in action. On this occasion, we were blessed with a day of truly
gorgeous, Pacific Northwest weather, which for us concluded with a stop for dinner at my aunt and What I'm Into ~ October editionuncle’s home on the island, where I snapped this shot of a sailboat. Hard not to be into that.

I’m also into Becky Harling’s The 30-Day Praise Challenge for Parents, which I meditated on for the entire month of September–coinciding perfectly with my kids’ first month of school. It struck me that filling my What I'm Into ~ October editionsoul with praise for God–for Who He is and all that He is doing in my kiddos’ lives–would be the perfect way to transition into a new school year. And it was. In fact, I’m going to remember this the next time I face a transition or situation with any kind of uncertainty. Because I discovered that praise is the antidote for fear, and how could I not be into that? (For more on this book, you can read my full review here.)

[Tweet “What I’m Into: sheepdogs, stories well-told, & 30 Days of Praise @BeckyHarling”]

Normally, I’m very into my Friday Date Nights with my husband, but one recent Friday found me so tuckered by the week’s events that all I wanted was to stay in. So we did and watched Witness with Harrison Ford. Though 30 years old this year (!!), it’s aged quite well–with the exception, perhaps, of the soundtrack. 🙂 Watching it, I kept thinking about how masterfully the director told his story. Which made meWhat I'm Into ~ October edition then think of another Amish-ish story I love, The Outcast by Jolina Petersheim. Which prompted me to start reading it again, allowing me to be struck once more by the beautiful way this young author weaves a story. I will always be into a story well-told.

Finally, this month I’m very into those in my community of writer-friends who selflessly help me craft my own stories. A shout out to Paula, who provided early encouragement on my latest manuscript, as well as to Jolina, Heather, and Sherri, who all provided invaluable help on my recent revision, including suggestions for a new working title (which I love). Iron sharpens iron, ladies, and I’m more grateful for you than I can say. And while I’m generally on the subject, a big thanks as well to Tina Ann Forkner, for reading my story and offering a lovely endorsement.

[Tweet “What I’m Into: my community of writer-friends @Jolina_Joy @PSBicknell @HeatherDGilbert @TinaAnnForkner @SherriSand”]

So that’s it for me. What are you into these days?

P.S. If you’re anywhere near into the Irish literary landscape, check out this beautiful StoryMap highlighting many of the places that inspired some of Ireland’s most famous writers, as well as the locations where they grew up and attended school. Special thanks to Michelle Mangan with the Killarney Hotels Group in Ireland for sending it my way.


7 responses to “What I’m Into ~ October edition”

  1. Aw…you are a sweetie for mentioning us! And you have written an amazing novel and I know we’re all anxious to see it get out into the world!

  2. I love your “What I’m Into” posts. It’s wonderful to catch up with you this way and I love hearing about your adventures. Thanks so much for the mention. I can’t wait to see your books in print my friend!

  3. Katherine says:

    Thanks, Paula! Your encouragement has played such an important role in my writerly journey.

  4. Wow! Thank you for the mention, Katherine; I’ve been so blessed by your friendship and prayerful support, especially over this past winter. It’s been a joy to watch your own writing dreams come true! Hugs to you, friend!

  5. Mary Kopp says:

    “Praise is the antidote for fear.”. Got to remember that! So glad to receive a little personal update. Your suggestions have been much appreciated.

  6. Jamie says:

    I love Harrison Ford movies and I can’t believe I haven’t seen this one! Adding it to my watchlist. Excited for your publishing journey too!

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